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First Project

First semester project is here :

Due in October.
Details on bottom of page. 
The project for the first marking period is called:
Rollerz - IRZ
The project involves building a free rolling vehicle, sized to carry a mouse to safety. The basic building materials are scrounged materials, popsicle sticks, glue, super glue, hot glue, rubber bands,etc. One key point is that the wheels and axles can be recycled from other wheeled models or toys. What the wheels are attached to and how they are attached must be made by the student. How can that be and why? Well wheel alignment and mounting are very important to vehicles. The best way to appreciate them is to have to devise your own. The truck or body that the wheels are attached tocan be made from Rubber balls, CD's, cardboard, straws, pieces of wire hanger, compressed cooked pasta that has been dried out, can all be pressed into service and afford success. Parents are encouraged to get into the idea process.
Underlying this project is a great cause. It is a little difficult to discuss, my eyes are beginning to get moist and there is a tear rolling down my cheek. But I will compose myself and try to explain. Are you aware of the fate of mice around the world? I think 60 Minutes did a expose about it. I hear Regis Philbin told Kelly about it and she cried. So you know it is serious. All over the world, mice are being tortured. Just look and you will see what I am talking about. Many people grab mice, push down on them and drag them all over the table. People even repeatedly poke their fingers at them. Some are turned upside down, and their belly opened up and their innards removed. To keep them from escaping, their tails are actually screwed into the backs of desk top computers. I know this is all new to you but look around and you will see it.
Join us. Join us. Join us.
Free the Mice.
Free the Mice.
Free the Mice. 
I have to stop now. I am just too upset to continue. 
More will follow.
This course has four semester projects or challenges. They are all part of my Independent Research Zone. Intended to get the kids out and thinking to solve a problem. One for each semester. These turn out to be a fun exercise in solving a problem with ingenuity.
For the dads, this can be an opportunity to buy more tools at Home Depot - The Temple of the Tool Gods. After all how can you help build that car made out of popsicle sticks without a $100 fully automatic hot glue gun? Or, didn't you always need $200 worth of clamps and hardware anyway? "Honey, I had to buy that new $300 drill. It's for junior's project." 
It is really not necessary to go overboard. It is the Science behind your ideas that matters.
Details are below:
1. A mouse cart that can transport a mouse.
2. Build from "found" and scavenged material whenever possible.
3. Must be able to roll freely - a gentle push and it rolls.
4. Toy car and model parts can not be used. Wheels and axles from these can be used. Wheels (2,3,4,6,8,etc.) can be made from ball, lids, cd disks, cardboard. Hangers, nails, tacks, can make good axles.
5. Dimensions: 8in. by 16in - max.
6. Team or individual work is accepted. A partner can come from another class. Partners must share the work, they recieve the same grade.
7. Vehicle must roll. In class it will be propelled by a rubber band slingshot monuted on the end of a meter stick so there must be a hook that the end of the rubber band can be attached to. Part of the final grade will be determined by the distance the car can roll in the hall. This part of the grade will be curved on the basis of longest and shortest distances covered.

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