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Evelyn Wood

Now everyone can practice !!!!

Soon , all students receive a copy of the basic underlining hand motion technique. It is the basic fingerstyle technique. Many can start using the technique now.
My basic question to all the students now is : Do you do your Evelyn Wood?
Doing your Evelyn Wood :
Use it for all your subjects; History, English, Math, Health, etc. For your science outlining, I recommend speed reading first - then go back to the important points and outline. Don't regress when you are reading - do not go back to the previous paragraph to find something you are wondering about. Keep reading to the end - then go back.
Don't worry about speed with the basic finger technique. Take your time, set a goal for yourself - a page or two, a small chapter. Make sure your book is openned wide, move your finger in and out of your paragraph at a comfortable speed - which may be very slow, especially as you start out.
The goal is to get better at it over time with practice. This basic Evelyn Wood technique is a speed reading/learning technique. The more you practice it, the better you read and remember. 
There are different ways of getting extra practice: while watching TV(review only), with a partner - taking turns, doing it together, timing each other, who's faster? who's better at it? who has better technique?
Get comfortable with the fingerstyle technique.
Find a comfortable place for doing it. Try doing it a little in the morning before school. Try doing it a little in the afternoon after school when you get home. Try doing it often in the evening during your evening homework time or while watching TV(review only). Enjoy and keep practicing.
With the technique comes increased speed and comprehension.
Generally there is probably a lot of reading you need to do for all your classes. Since we have to read anyway, why not use this technique and get better at doing it? 
Soon, the first volunteers will be selected to get the speed reading/learning off to a start.
More details to follow.

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